What is your divine soul purpose?

Anastasia Deva Ray
3 min readNov 7, 2018

The divine purpose of every soul is to make a beautiful lifestyle with God’s love and God’s teaching which is within us all. The divine love within us all is absolutely the true and divine way of life.

In order to live true and divine, we must become divine. We must bring out the true fire invested within us that God has infused within our spirit. The holy spirit of the most high creator.

This is the unique divine essence we must have in order to become divine and live in our divine purpose.

Wouldn’t it be easy if we all lived in harmony living in this divine purpose?

True in love, true like God and beautiful like divine love….

Yes, this is our divine purpose.

It is something you must activate within you,

See, your divine blueprint is one thing, but actually making it become activated and enforced within your lifestyle takes some work, but not too much.

We are here to make it very simple.

In 11 months you can achieve this, every month you will study the material provide and utilize your own personal tools to activate this unique system of God’s love within you.

It is immeasurable the amount of divine structure you will attain during this program. It is custom designed to your divineblueprint and unique to you. You will live this plan for eternity.

Once you master the program, you will become a master and help everyone around you, see this is the solution.

Do you see it now?

The solution to heal planet earth is within us. Have you ever searched or researched how? Probably, not…. Do not fear for now is the greatest opportunity to finally attract your divine purpose within your entire being and then by the grace of God, you will help many other people.

This is the true solution, getting to know who you are and how you were created and how you must become a limitless being with a divine plan and figure out all the fine tuning you need to make this achievable, in only 11 months.

This time goes fast, but you will love every observation and every thing that transpires, you will feel it within your being, within your essence, you WILL become divine!

You WILL live your divine purpose.

You WILL share and teach these methods.

Together, we are the solution to the new Mother Earth.


We trust that you will experience the true magic within you.

The real magic of the world, is God and his true essence within us.
Lets all come together as ONE and become this true essence. One with God, one with love will all pure divine hearts.

Take this opportunity to make the change, the transformation for you, your family, your friends, and we want to help you change your whole community, that is our goal.

We know we can achieve this goal because there is nothing stronger in this world than the love of God and everything he has planned is absolute truth and destiny. There is nothing more powerful in this world but our divine plan and our divine purpose.

Lets be one, lets create, lets be divine. Lets show everyone around us how to bring about this love and change,

The transformation of a lifetime starts with you.


You may start anytime, every thing is custom to you, but we will release this program to you monthly because it is not possible to speed through the course. You must do each lesson each month to master the 7 tools. You must read 11 scribed books that will show you how God has set our lives to manifest in sweet harmony.



Anastasia Deva Ray

Author. I write the light for love, freedom and soul mastery. Ascended Deva Ray — anointed author. Divine Soul Activator. http://www.divinesoulplan.com